We have a diverse group of health professionals who offer you a complete solution to your problem. Come and visit a clinic that offers you a “one stop for allied health”.
Chiropractors are allied health professionals that treat conditions relating to dysfunction or imbalance of the spine, and recognise that this can impair the ability of the body to work optimally. They treat this by applying spinal manipulation (“adjustments”) to restore normal function to the spine.
Psychology is useful for adults both young and older, children and adolescents, with a range of psychological issues.
Clinical myotherapy involves the use of advanced hands on manual techniques and a variety of other treatment techniques to reduce muscle tension and trigger points associated with aches and pains, sports and occupational injury, and muscular dysfunction.
Accredited Exercise Physiologists are differentiated from other allied health professions or fitness professionals by the possession of extensive knowledge, skills and experience in clinical exercise delivery and health-behaviour change counselling for people with chronic diseases or injury.